Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Path Unseen

It is often said that the path of those seeking to follow God's will is narrow while the path outside of it is wide. It is great mental reminder that it is not easy to do what is right. Today in our Bible study, we discussed how in our world, especially in our country (where people lament the state of our economy yet most still have enough food to feed their families), it can be hard to even find the narrow path. With so much out there speaking corruption and self-serving behaviors, that which is not right seems to blur into the acceptable. So, what do we do? More specifically, what will I do?

Pray. I will pray often and deliberately that the Lord will guide me with His spirit. I want to know and remember every morning that I wake, that I have a choice. God's Word is clear. No one should be able to tell me differently, or worse, question whether God really means what he says. He does.

Seek. I will continue to seek Him. I will read His Word and listen for His voice. I will seek with a purpose, to find Him. He is my reward, and that is my completion.

Do. I will do what I am called to do. I agree that I cannot think my God wants anyone to perish, so to whom does He call me? Where is He asking me to be his feet and further His kingdom? In His plan and for His glory, all things are possible.

This is not how I thought this post would go, but I am thankful for the words to share. If He desires, I will sit down with the post I initially had and see how it goes next time.

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