The Land of Squish...
Yesterday I was handed multiple half-eaten bananas at various times during the day, including during a fit of temper from Sir Wallace. With those bananas came the feeling of squished banana on my feet as I walked across the kitchen floor. Add to that some shredded cheese and pinto beans from some homemade nachos, a bit of cantaloupe, and oatmeal, and I was scrubbing the floor during naptime.
Sir Lionheart is an avid bug lover and collector. One of his favorite pastimes, catching creepy crawlies and slimy toads ,collided with my world yesterday adding to the squish factor.
Miss Bear has been "potty trained " for almost a week, until yesterday. Four changes of clothes and I pulled out a pull up. Fortunately she returned to forewarning us about needing to potty by bedtime. Unfortunately she got out of bed, took off her diaper, and fell asleep at her door before telling us.
The Land of Grocery Sucking Machines...
I am pretty sure that all of our kids are going through major growth spurts right now. The doctor informed us that Sir Lionheart has shot up 2 inches in the past 6 months if that gives you any idea. With these growth spurts, our grocery carts have been filled more in an attempt to keep up with them. I have also looked for new ways to cut costs, but I will save that for another post.
On average our family...
eats about half a pound of cheese in one meal. (It's on sale for $2/lb at Kroger this week!)
has gone from eating 2 lbs of meat to 3 for one meal of spaghetti.
considers one package of hot dogs sufficient for kids only when grilling.
drinks one gallon of milk in one day.
eats a half gallon of yogurt in two days.
does 3 loads of laundry in one day (grocery=detergent)
eats 3 cups (uncooked) of oatmeal for breakfast
eats 1.5 dozen eggs for breakfast
polishes off 2 lbs of apples and/or bananas per day
eats 3 lbs of meatloaf or pot roast for dinner
can get through a double batch of pancakes with nary a leftover
finds two heads of broccoli a snack
will finish 3 big garden cucumbers easily with dinner
and graham crackers never stand a chance in our house.
This is only some of the recent notices I have had. Because of them: I eagerly await picking up our part of a cow from the butcher this morning. I am also trying not to overpressure our cucumbers or tomatoes, but the sooner they get big enough and turn red/green enough, the better. Although it has been the source of humor among me and my friends, I am very thankful we bought 50lbs of oatmeal from Whole Foods. Our bread machine is working overtime. I will be buying my own very large pot to continue yogurt making and return the one we have to our neighbors. I am thankful to those neighbors for the constant deliveries from the produce auction. And finally, I am in prayer for the day our boys are teenagers and the list above seems like a drop in the pan.
Sounds familiar! And I only have 2 little boys. But man, they can eat and make messes! Following from the blog hop.