Monday, June 21, 2010

Abba Father, Happy Fathers' Day

A day late, but fully meant nonetheless. I wish a Happy Fathers' Day to the men of our world and thank them for standing tall in their role as dads, especially my husband. Parenthood can seem so insignificant to so many these days, and it is very tragic when fatherhood is no longer a privilege and honor. So, for those men who cherish the name Father, Dada, Daddy or Dad, thank you!

Personally, my dad was only a small part of my life growing up and due to some unfortunate misunderstanding (to which I am still not privy), he has been absent for the past two years. I know that in many ways he did what he could when he could, and I love him. Still there was a hole never filled in this little girl as she grew up. I was and am exceedingly blessed by a mom who did everything she could to raise me, teach me, and love me more than words can ever express. For her, I am so thankful. (I love you Mom!)

It is a slow process, but I am beginning to understand that more than any earthly father, I need to know and allow myself to be loved by my heavenly Father. He is a father that knew me before I was me. He loves me more than any human ever can, and He teaches me as He draws me closer to Him. In Him alone will I find my value, and in Him alone will I ever be complete. Today, as I wish others a happy day, I would be quite remiss if I failed to acknowledge Him. So, my God, Abba, my Father, thank you.

"And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, '
Abba, Father!'" Galations 4:6

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