Monday, September 20, 2010

The Tomato Show

I know I keep saying how quickly time seems to be flying by, and I know how many posts I have written…in my head.  I thought it would be fun to share why we lose a week of our lives every year in our little part of the world…the Tomato Show.

Yes, tomatoes.  It is a week filled with parades, baking contests, vegetable judging, photo judging, pedal tractor pulls, 5 mile runs, Big Wheel races, tomato tosses, Little Miss Tomato, and even races where grown men and women ride in bathtubs full of…you guessed it, tomato juice.

Our first year here, we attended.  Our second year I entered some rolls in the baking tent, and won a blue ribbon.  Hubby entered the 5 mile run and won his age division.  We were hooked.  Last year we skipped the run, but I entered more baked goods and Sir Wallace won the Big Wheel race while taking second (to his good friend) in the pedal tractor pull.

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This year we were there every night, one night until well past bedtime.  And it has taken every night since then to get back into routine, seriously.  Our homeschooling is turning into unschooling more than I ever thought it would, but it works for us.  Of course we have also dealt with a couple of ear infections this week…  In any case, here is my toast to tomatoes and the Tomato Show…and a few pics to share!


Sir MMH Hubby in Mile 1 of the 5 Mile run

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The Misses and The Sirs on their float; it won Best Costumed. (The theme this year was Rockin’ and Rollin’ Through The Years.)

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Sir Lionheart looking perfectly like himself!  I LOVE this picture.  He won first in the 3/4 year old Big Wheel race.

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A hint as to why our kids have an advantage in the Big Wheel races, LOL.  Here is Sir Wallace awaiting the 6 year olds, and yes he was taller by almost a  head than all the others there.  He took first again as well.  His biggest thrill, I think, was his blue ribbon for his chocolate chip cookies.  Alas, no picture…but they were tasty!


And here is what everyone looked like after it was all over.  I am thankful for this week, back on schedule and no extraneous appointments or commitments.  *deep breath*


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