Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Raising Rock Stars

My friend Carisa over at 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, has an awesome preschool program, Raising Rock Stars. When putting together Sir Lionheart’s studies this year, I headed straight on over and downloaded it. I have used it as the base for his preschool/kindergarten program, and it greets us every morning during Calendar and Bible Time.

I do not post this as a review of curriculum…no, it is out of pure pleasure and entertainment. You see, the kids were a bit silly and OOC (out of control) this morning and after plowing through most of school I finally threw in the towel. I think it was at the point of cleaning up after two little girls who didn’t quite make it to the potty, the second attempt at swallowing something out of tot boxes, and Sir Lionheart’s complete dumping of all of his workboxes (an accident) that I packed lunch and headed for the park.

Well, you can imagine when I saw this upon opening the front door:


And this:


I may have thought it was too late….the monkeys were running the zoo. BUT, as I opened the glass door and listened, I heard, “Let your light shine before men, so they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven!” And he was singing it too! All I can say is I smiled really big…and grabbed my camera! Thanks Carisa!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my smile is so big right now!!! Thanks for sharing. Stories like these make it all worthwhile!!! Thank you for sharing and for emailing me!
    ;-) Carisa
